date separator

date separator
разделитель даты

Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "date separator" в других словарях:

  • date separator — datos skirtukas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Sutrumpinto datos užrašo skyrybos ženklas, rašomas tarp datos skaičių. Lietuvoje datos skirtukas yra ↑brūkšnelis. Datos užrašo pavyzdys: 2004 02 29. atitikmenys: angl. date separator ryšiai …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • Date and time notation in Spain — Date In Spain the date order is day, month, year despite separators, roman numerals for the month part and/or length for the year part. There is not a single fixed symbol for the separator, the most used being the slash and the hyphen. Sometimes… …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in Brazil — Date In Brazil, dates follow the day month year order, using a slash as the separator. Example: 20/06/2008 or 20/06/08. Leading zeros may be omitted, specially on month, but never on the year field: 9/5/08. In formal writing, months are spelled… …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in Serbia — Date Serbian language uses either all numeric form of dates in the little endian date month year order, or the same order in which numerical month is replaced with its literal name. The dot is used as a separator, followed by space, and matches… …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in Finland — Date In Finland the usual way of writing dates in normal text is with the months spelled out.[1][2] The format varies according to the language used. In Finnish a period is placed after the day to indicate an ordinal: “31. toukokuuta 2002”;… …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in France — Date In France, the all numeric form for dates is in the order day month year , using a slash as the separator. Example: 31/12/1992 or 31/12/92. Years can be written with two or four digits, and numbers may be written with or without leading zero …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in Italy — Date In Italy, the all numeric form for dates is in the order day month year , using a slash as the separator. Example: 31/12/1992 or 31/12/92. Years can be written with two or four digits, and numbers may be written with or without leading zero …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in Australia — Date The written date format in Australia, as in the UK and New Zealand, is d/m/yyyy (e.g., 31/12/2006). This is the recommended short date format for government publications.[1] The first two digits of the year are often omitted in everyday use… …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in the United States — Date In the United States, dates are traditionally written in the month day year order, that is, in neither descending nor ascending order of significance. (In computing, this would be called a middle endian order.) This order is used in both the …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in Republic of Ireland — Date In Ireland, the date is written in the order day month year , with the separator as a slash, dot, hyphen, or just left blank. Years can be written with two or four digits. Examples: 31/12/1992 or 31/12/92; 31.12.1992 or 31.12.92; 31 12 1992… …   Wikipedia

  • Date and time notation in Norway — Date Norway uses two date systems: D.MM.YYYY (e.g., 24.12.2006 for Christmas Eve, or 1.5.2006 for Labour Day) is by far the most common system, and is the one recommended by the Norwegian Language Council. Dots are the most common separator,… …   Wikipedia

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